• 2024-10-04 20:30


North American Conservative Review

大选家书(双语) | A Letter to My Children Regarding to The Election(bilingual)


10 月 4, 2024

作者:选民 / 2024.10.03

我们这一代在九十年代出国的父母,当初在孩子们上学时忙于工作,把孩子们送到好学区的公立或私立学校,没想到他们却在左派宣传的种族歧视的毒药水中长大,对给予他们自由的美国充满敌意。如今,孩子们进入大学,又继续在大学里的 “觉醒”(WOKE)思潮中被洗脑,坚定地支持民主党。面对即将到来的大选,唤醒他们成了许多家长的责任和挑战。










在 18 世纪的北美,出现了一种新的社会规范,为民主注入了新的活力。历史上第一次,一个植根于新教基督教信仰的民情秩序承认了人类生命和自由的神圣本质。它将个人自由置于文明的中心,清晰地指出了民主的目的。


宪政共和的概念本身并不新鲜。亚里士多德曾倡导过,英国也曾实践过。然而,宪政共和的目标是保护个人自由 —— 宗教自由、言论自由 —— 这一想法却是革命性的。



但人们滥用自由,沉溺于放纵、仇恨和贪婪又如何解决呢?开国元勋们认为,真正的道德源于自由思想、自主的信仰、对圣经的深刻理解以及与上帝的个人关系 —— 而不是来自法律的强制或对政府的恐惧。

历史上第一次,人类自由被提升到超越政府、君主和国王统治的地位。 “公民自由高于政府”这一简单的理念催生了一个以创新、美德和自我更正来启迪人类历史的国家。

19 世纪,虽然奴隶制在全球广泛存在,但美国的北方各州通过属灵复兴、悔改认罪、激烈辩论和民主议程立法废除了奴隶制 —— 无需战争。这体现了自由、自治和信仰上帝的力量。



在结束奴隶制和维护自由的斗争中,70 万士兵 —— 其中大多数是白人基督徒,很多是牧师和传道 —— 为了崇高的使命自愿献出生命。美国是最早废除奴隶制的国家之一。


当我们在 2000 年搬到这个国家时,我们很感激它提供的自由,以及邻舍慷慨、坦诚欢迎我们的热情。我们能够毫无畏惧地表达自己,有尊严地生活,成为有责任感的公民。



政府审查制度全面实施。拜登政府与 Facebook 和其他社交媒体平台勾结,压制与其叙述不同的言论和内容,剥夺了公民的知情权。数百万 YouTube 视频被标记为“虚假信息”并被删除,导致许多创作者失去了收入和生计。

目前的执政党已经变成了一个暴政和审查的政党。正如罗伯特·肯尼迪(RFK Jr.)所说,“当时(60年代),民主党是宪法和民权的捍卫者。民主党反对独裁主义、反对审查制度、反对殖民主义、反对帝国主义和反对不公正战争。我们是劳工党,工人阶级的政党。民主党是政府透明的政党,也是环境保护的捍卫者。我们的政党是抵御大金钱利益和企业权力的堡垒。正如它的名字一样,它是民主的政党。

(然而)如你所知,我在 2023 年 10 月离开了那个政党,因为它已经大大偏离了我成长过程中的核心价值观。它已经成为战争、审查制度、腐败、大型制药公司、大型科技公司、大型农业和大金钱的政党……以拯救民主的名义,民主党已经拆除了它。“


首先,他们背离了基督教信仰,否认人类生命和自由的神圣性。在“支持堕胎选择权”和“支持 LGBTQ”的旗帜下,他们越来越敌视生命的神圣性和言论自由。


接下来,他们利用种族紧张局势来分裂国家,而不是让我们团结在我们丰富的传统和共同的价值观周围:无论肤色如何,我们都应该自由、勤劳。从博士顿市长 Michelle Wu 的 “不让白人参加” 的圣诞派对,到明尼阿波利斯学校的按种族来裁员的政策就;基于种族的招聘、大学录取等社会政策再次成为我们国家的常态。





拜登推翻了川普制定的所有边境政策,允许数千万非法入境者,其中包括 40 多万已定罪的罪犯。虽然我最初对一些国家清空监狱并把罪犯送到我们这里的说法持怀疑态度,但数字不会说谎。这四年边境危机并非偶然 —— 它是蓄意而为。

听听 Tulsi Gabbard 上周说了什么:“我去了圣地亚哥的边境……我看到的是一台运转良好的机器,由贩毒集团和移民工业综合体(Immigration industrial complex)驱动,他们合作中获得巨额暴利。我看到来自世界各地的人越过边境……人口贩子在等待,妇女被下药……超过 325,000 名儿童失踪,其中许多人今天可能在我们国家受到虐待。”


更深刻的是,它以媒体审查的形式重新浮出水面——就像 19 世纪南方发生的情况一样,当地政府拦截并没收废奴主义的材料。


如今,民主党通过 “反误导 anti-misinformation”运动重复这一历史,用尽一切可能压制异议和打压不同政见者。





形势正在逆转,许多长期的民主党人和思想领袖现在都转而支持 MAGA 运动——例如埃隆·马斯克、罗伯特·肯尼迪、妮可·沙纳汉、塔尔西·加巴德和比尔·阿克曼等。





Dear XXX,

As election season approaches, I want to take a moment to share my thoughts with you. Please read this letter with the critical eye I know you both possess. I’d like to explain how we’ve arrived at this point and why I believe our freedom and democracy are at risk.

What is the true crisis facing our country? Beyond the social, economic, border, and global conflicts lies a deliberate plan to dismantle the United States as a sovereign nation. This plan seeks to undermine our values of freedom and democracy because they stand in the way of a global tyranny controlled by a select group of elites.

rump is the main obstacle in their path, along with millions of hard-working, free-spirited American citizens.

To understand this viewpoint, let’s follow three steps of systematic thinking: first, establish a solid foundation of principles and worldview; second, study history, facts, and what is happening today; and finally, be willing to accept logical conclusions, even when they go against our intuition.

Let’s begin by exploring the essence of the American experiment and its core values.
Democracy is an ancient concept; both Greece and Rome experimented with it but ultimately failed. Plato and Aristotle missed a key question: what is the true purpose of democracy? What is it for? Moreover, they didn’t fully understand the true enemy of democracy.

A society can establish voting systems and republican participation, but without a shared purpose and social order, democracy can quickly become a slippery slope toward the tyranny of the majority.

In 18th-century North America, a new social norm emerged that breathed new life into democracy. For the first time in history, a social order—rooted in Protestant Christian faith—recognized the divine nature of human life and freedom. It placed individual liberty at the center of civilization, to be protected and upheld by democratic governance.

Because we are created by God, not by government, our life and liberty are unalienable rights bestowed by a higher power, beyond the reach of any earthly authority. To safeguard these rights, the founders established a constitutional republic.

The concept of a constitutional republic itself wasn’t new. Aristotle promoted it, and England had practiced it. However, the idea that democracy’s goal is to protect individual freedoms—freedom of religion, freedom of speech—was revolutionary.
Not only did the Founders articulate democracy’s purpose, but they also identified its greatest threat: government itself. They were cautious in forming a federal government and implemented a system of checks and balances through the Constitution.

In simple terms, the core American value is this: individual freedom and limited government. This principle is rooted in the theological belief that humans are both divine creations of God and inherently flawed.

But what about people abuse freedom with indulgence, hatred and greed? The Founders believed that true morality stems from free thought, genuine faith, a deep understanding of the scripture, and a personal relationship with God—not from the coercion of law or fear of government.

For the first time in history, human freedom was elevated above the rule of governments, empires, and kings. This simple idea of self-governed citizens being greater than government gave birth to a nation that has enlightened human history with innovation, virtue, and the capacity for self-correction.

In the 19th century, while slavery was widespread across the globe, the Northern states of our nation abolished it through spiritual revival, fierce debate, repentance, and democratic processes—without the need for war. This exemplifies the power of freedom, self-governance, and faith in God.

Slavery in the South was not only inhumane; it was an evil cancer in society, one that sought to expand and undermine the freedom of the North through manipulation, bribery, and corruption. History repeats itself with the current foreign interference in the U.S. by tyrannical regimes.

The reality contradicts the mainstream narrative that America is a fundamentally racist nation. While some Southern churches did defend slavery, the battle between good and evil has always existed, especially within the church.

In the fight to end slavery and preserve freedom, 700,000 soldiers—most of them white Christians, many of them pastors and ministers—willingly laid down their lives for a noble cause. The United States was among the first nations to abolish slavery.
What ultimately drove the victory of the anti-slavery movement was not the rebellion of enslaved people, but the repentance of generations of Christians who were determined to uphold freedom at all costs.

When we moved to this country in 2000, we were grateful for the freedom it offered and the warmth of the generous, candid people who welcomed us. We were able to express ourselves without fear, live with dignity, and grow into responsible citizens.
Our hope is that you and your children will inherit this same freedom, enabling you to pursue your faith and find true meaning and happiness in life.

Today, every aspect of the freedom we cherished and our ancestors fought for is in grave danger.

Government censorship is in full effect. The current administration colluded with Facebook and other social media platforms to suppress speech and content that doesn’t align with their narrative, denying informed citizens the chance to educate themselves. Millions of YouTube videos have been labeled “misinformation” and removed, stripping many creators of their income and livelihood.

Political persecution is rampant at both federal and state levels. The administration has weaponized the Department of Justice, not only indicting a former president but also targeting his supporters, resulting in thousands being jailed.

The current ruling party has transformed itself into a party of tyranny and censorship. As RFK Jr. put it,

“And back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution and of civil rights. The Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, against imperialism, and against unjust wars. We were the party of labor, of the working class. The Democrats were the party of government transparency and the champion of the environment. Our party was the bulwark against big money interests and corporate power. True to its name, it was the party of democracy.

As you know, I left that party in October 2023 because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big agriculture, and big money….. In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it. “
How did the Democrats party get to this point? In many ways, it was inevitable.
First, they turned away from the Christian faith and abandoned the American principle of recognizing the divine nature of human life and freedom. Under the banners of ‘pro-choice’ and ‘pro-LGBTQ,’ they have become increasingly hostile to the sanctity of life and free speech.

Second, instead of upholding the principle of limited government, they raised taxes and expanded poorly audited government programs. This has led to millions becoming dependent on government welfare, contributing to widespread fatherlessness, particularly in the Black community.

Next, they exploited racial tensions to divide the nation, instead of uniting us around our rich heritage and shared values on freedom and hard-working, irrespective of skin color. Examples of this include Michelle Wu’s ‘no-whites’ Christmas parties and the race-based layoff policies in Minneapolis schools. Race-based hiring, college admissions, and social policies have once again become the norm in our country.
Their socialist and racist policies have gained them power and votes, but as Lord Acton famously said, ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’

Over the years, they have established a network of corrupt complexes: the military-industrial complex, media-industrial complex, medical-industrial complex, and food-industrial complex. The mainstream media have become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, while pharmaceutical companies now serve as some of its largest donors.

It’s not just the Democrats; Republicans have been complicit as well. Figures like the Cheney and Bush families have acted as warmongers, benefiting from wars and global conflicts.

They reversed all the border policies established by Trump, allowing tens of millions of illegal entrants, including over 400,000 known criminals. Although I was initially skeptical of claims that some countries emptied their prisons and sent criminals our way, the numbers don’t lie. This border crisis was no accident—it was deliberate and intentional.

Listen to what Tulsi Gabbard said last week: ‘I went and visited your border in San Diego… What I saw was a well-oiled machine driven by the cartels and the so-called immigration industrial complex, working directly with them and profiting off this operation. I saw people coming from all over the world across the border… human traffickers were waiting, women were being drugged… over 325,000 children are missing, many of whom are likely being abused in our country today.’

Slavery has returned to our country in the form of human trafficking and child exploitation.

More profoundly, it has resurfaced in the form of media censorship—much like what occurred in the 19th-century South, where local governments intercepted and confiscated abolitionist materials. Southern states, under Democratic control, passed laws allowing law enforcement to search homes for anti-slavery literature and heavily controlled the local press to promote pro-slavery narratives. Public speech and gatherings advocating for abolition were systematically suppressed.
Today, the current Democratic Party repeats this history through ‘anti-misinformation’ campaigns, silencing dissent in every possible way.

For example, they actively undermine election integrity by refusing to clean voter rolls, opposing valid voter ID requirements, allowing non-citizens to vote, promoting mail-in ballots and drop boxes without sufficient safeguards, refusing to investigate voter fraud cases, suppressing whistleblowers on social media, and threatening those who dare to question the process.

While they focus on suppressing the voices of the people, our nation has become a laughingstock on the world stage. Evil forces have grown wild, attacking innocent people and nations. We now stand on the brink of nuclear conflict and World War III.
Never before in our nation’s history have our democracy and civilization been more at risk.

While Trump was not perfect, I admire his determination and love for this nation. His time in office brought peace and prosperity. During the assassination
attempt, his bravery and courage exemplified what a true leader of the free world should be.

To fight the corruption in the D.C. swamp, you need to be a fierce fighter, and Trump embodies that spirit.

They have attacked his character, raided his property, seized his wealth, humiliated him in court, imprisoned his closest allies, and waged legal warfare to keep him from running for office—even threatening his life. Yet, he remains determined in his mission to drain the swamp and rescue our republic.

The tide is turning, and many lifelong Democrats and thought leaders are now supporting the MAGA movement—people like Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Nicole Shanahan, Tulsi Gabbard, and Bill Ackman, to name a few.

Now is the time to support Trump in the upcoming election and help save our freedom and democracy. I encourage you to reflect on these ideas and consider voting for Trump and Vance. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I would love to talk with you.

Love you, regardless of your decision.


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