• 2025-03-29 07:14


North American Conservative Review



4 月 3, 2024



3月29日,白宫网站刊登了拜登发布的《2024年跨性别者可见日公告》:“我,美利坚合众国总统约瑟夫·R·拜登,以美国宪法和法律赋予我的权力,特此宣布2024年3月31日为跨性别者可见日…… “




“祸哉!那些称恶为善,称善为恶,以暗为光,以光为暗,以苦为甜,以甜为苦的人。祸哉!那些自以为有智慧,自看为通达的人。祸哉! 那些勇于饮酒,以能力调浓酒的人。他们因受贿赂,就称恶人为义,将义人的义夺去。火苗怎样吞灭碎秸,干草怎样落在火焰之中,照样,他们的根必像朽物,他们的花必像灰尘飞腾;因为他们厌弃万军之耶和华的训诲,藐视以色列圣者的言语 。”(以赛亚书5:20-24)


  1. 拜登必须为他亵渎神、侮辱全世界基督徒、践踏世界文明的疯狂行为公开道歉并认罪悔改;
  2. 登必须为其行使政府的权柄,在全社会疯狂地推行抵挡神的 LGBTQ+ 议程,以及支持堕胎的行为认罪悔改,并停止这一切恶行;
  3. 拜登所属的天主教会必须对其采取惩戒措施,停止其领圣餐的资格,如若他拒绝公开道歉并认罪悔改,则应该将他逐出教会;
  4. 凡基督名下的教会、机构和基督徒都应该毫不含糊、毫不犹豫地对拜登的恶行发出最强烈的谴责;
  5. 所有美国的基督徒都应该按照圣经的原则,将滥用公权力、长期推行反上帝的邪恶政策、损害美国人民利益的伪总统乔拜登选出白宫,并阻止他担任任何公职。













Sign the Protest|North American Conservative Review’s Statement on Biden’s Proclamation of Transgender Day of Visibility this Easter: A Blasphemous Sin

On March 29, the White House website posted Biden’s Proclamation of Transgender Day of Visibility 2024: “I, Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, to be the Transgender Day of Visibility …… “

This year, March 31 is Easter, the most important annual Christian holiday, when 2.38 billion Christians, Catholics, and Orthodox, around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ overcame the power of death and proved that He is God, the Sovereign Lord of life and all things in the universe, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings! Because of His resurrection and His promise, all Christians who confess their sins and repent into His name will also receive eternal life, which is the most precious hope for all Christians and the foundation of our faith.

God’s inspired Scripture tells us that God created us human beings in His own image, with only two genders, male and female, and that it is God’s will for a man and a woman to unite and become one flesh, to form families, to multiply, and to fill all the earth, to take care and have dominion over the world that He has created. The so called homosexual, “transgender”, queer, and other perverted sexual orientations and gender identities are all contradictions to God’s creation and will and are the work of Satan. Biden’s designation of the “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter, the holiest day in Christianity, is a heartless blasphemy against the one true God, a blatant insult and provocation to Christianity and all Christians, and a barbaric trampling on Christian and human civilization. This we condemn in the strongest terms!

The Bible reveals to us that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He chose for His own inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12) America’s founding fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution based on Biblical principles that quickly made America a “shining city on a hill” for God’s glory. However, when the United States began to turn away from God step by step in the 1960s, America, this once shining beacon of hope, gradually lost its former glory. To this day, Biden, who stole the presidency, has made God the enemy in every aspect of his administration and has become the spokesman for Satan.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.  Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent. Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.  (Isaiah 5:20-24)

We appeal here:

Biden must publicly apologize and confess and repent for his insanity in blaspheming God, insulting Christians around the world, and trampling on the world civilization;

Biden must confess and repent for his exercise of government authority to frantically push an LGBTQ+ agenda that is against God throughout the American society, as well as his pro-abortion policies, and he must stop doing all these evil;

The Catholic Church, to which Biden belongs, must take disciplinary action against him by suspending his eligibility for Communion, and excommunicating him if he refuses to publicly apologize and confess his sins and repent;

All churches, institutions and Christians in Christ’s name should issue the strongest possible condemnation of Biden’s wickedness in no uncertain terms and without hesitation;

All American Christians should follow the biblical principle of voting the pseudo-president Joe Biden, who has abused public power and has long pursued evil policies against God and harmed the interests of the American people, out of the White House and preventing him from holding any public office.

Let us pray with one heart:

O Lord! America, this beautiful land, founded and cultivated by those godly, God-loving Puritans whom You raised up, and rooted in the Christian faith, was once greatly blessed by You.

But today, in the White House lives a “president” who rebels against God and blasphemes the Cross of Christ. The people of the United States are to confess and repent of their sins for accepting such a wicked leader.

The churches in America are to repent. Over the past hundred years, the church in America has become increasingly depraved, staying out of politics, not participating in the governance of the country, and losing its role as the salt and light of the world. In recent decades, the Church has more than ever relinquished America to the evil left, letting them work their guile and destruction to the point that they have captured our next generation. America has sinned more than Sodom and Gomorrah. In the past, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from heaven, and the people suffered a hellish destruction. Today, I ask the Lord to be gracious and have mercy on us in America,  I also ask the people in America to confess our sins and repent, to turn away from blasphemy against God and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and to return to the pure gospel that exalts Christ as the Lord, may the Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

The fact that the churches and evangelical organizations are speaking out in one voice to condemn Biden’s statements is a warning from the Holy Spirit to the churches that if they do not repent quickly, they will be plainly committing the felony of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. O merciful and compassionate Lord! Give us a watchful and prayerful heart, so that we may be willing to follow in the footsteps of Christ and listen to the voice of God, that is, to return to the holy Scripture, to walk in the way of the Cross, to always confess our sins and repent, to pursue holiness, and to hold fast to the holy Scripture.

O Lord, full of grace! Give Your Church the courage and boldness with pastors dare to speak politics with truth from the pulpit, and believers actively participate in politics, to fight against the evil of the left in America, to restore America as a city on the hill, to raise up next godly generations for the Lord, and to truly be a beacon of light for the world, so that we and our descendants may live. May the Lord’s Church please Him in all things, for He is our life and blessing. May the Lord be gracious!

Thank you and praise the Lord!

May America soon return to the Christian faith on which it was founded!

May God bless America!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ


We invite all brothers, sisters and friends who agree with this statement to click on the link to sign the protest.

We encourage you to sign here even after you have completed the signatures on the (Evangelical Alliance-FEMA) and other websites. We need to gather all the signatures of Christians, Conservatives, and Patriots, and we will translate this statement into English and deliver it, along with your signatures, personally to Speaker Johnson and email it to members of Congress and to the White House.

签署人(Signed by):


  1. 强烈谴责拜登违背上帝的犯罪行为!!!

  2. 我虽然身在Chinamainland,但是也无时不刻的关注美国及属于我主耶稣基督教会每天发生的令人愤怒和悲催的真相信息。

  3. 强烈谴责拜登违背上帝的犯罪行为!

  4. 簽名抗議(關於拜豋宣布今年復話節為“跨性別者可见日的声明:這是褻瀆神的重罪。
