• 2025-03-25 03:42


North American Conservative Review

A Letter to Florida Legislators Regarding to HB1355/SB264


4 月 30, 2023

Author: Wenhe Lu / 05/01/2023

May 1, 2023

Dear Sir:

My name is Wen-he Lu, a resident of the State of Indiana.  I am a US citizen loving this country a great deal and am originally form China. I came to the US in 1980 and am now retired.

I am writing to urge you to vote YES for HB1355, although I am not a resident of the State of Florida right now.  I was once a resident of Florida , living then in Orlando during the year 1993 and 1995.

On April 29th, 2023 I made a video in Chinese for the Northern American Conservative Review in defense of HB1355 which was shown on the net the same day. The title of the speech was “ the Key to HB1355 is the affidavit”.

The Chinese communists and their followers in the US have formed a threat to the security of the US and HB1355 is an important bill to help deter the penetration of the CCP into the great State of Florida and I urge you to vote YES to it.

I have summarized my thinking as follows, which was the essence of my speech on April 29 but in a different order.

In dealing with the Chinese communists, the Americans have a few disadvantages.  Here is a summary of my analysis.

  1.  Chinese communist members have had no hesitation to deny their membership when entering the USA and/or swearing in as US citizens.  It is difficult for Americans to verify CCP membership.  All CCP members, just about,  are liars and it is difficult to prove their lies.
  2. China has been run by the Chinese Communist party in the past 73 years.  Since Deng Xiaopin’s open door policy in 1980, 43 years have past and 1.4 million Chinese became US citizens.  It is a fact that all CCP members have an upper hand on everything good in China, including the opportunities to come to the USA.  No one knows how many Chinese communists or people related to the Chinese communist party have come to the USA.  My guess is more than 50% among all Chinese from mainland, living and working here are related with Chinese communist one way or the other.  
  3. The Americans do not have the capacity to identify Asians in general, Japanese, Chinese in specific.  Americans during the WWII locked up American citizens with Japanese descent until after the war was over, to save lives of the soldiers which could have been lost due to the potential espionage activities. After the war the US mad an apology, late in time.  During the war US was in a dilemma , but did correctly.  If a war between USA and Japan repeats now or in the future, the most unlikely event to be expected, same dilemma would appear here inn the US and the USA would have no better solution than repeating what was done during the WWII.
  4. US had a hard time identifying friends from foe in Vietnam and Korea, but fortunately the American citizens with Vietnamese or Korean descent do not pose a threat to the US security since both on the whole are assimilated into the American culture and society.
  5. Chinese in the USA learn to use rule of law to protect themselves, rightly and most of them also use the US human rights to cover up the Chinese communist “Fifth Column” activities. 
  6. Chinese are not all assimilated into the American society as a matter of fact.  The democratic rules have given the Chinese communist “Fifth Column” a lot of weapons to fight against the US society.  Xue Haipei tries to confuse  this anticommunist bill with anti Chinese bill.
  7. Americans have a 14th amendment that protects the rights of any person in 1868 and still have not come up with another amendment to protect the US from the potential harms of the “Fifth Column” of a foreign enemy nation such as Japan during eh WWII and such as China today which is not exactly an enemy nation but by China’s choosing is almost an enemy nation.
  8. Situation today is the USA is better than WWII in the sense that the US and China are not at war, yet. The situation is worse than WWII for US in the sense that the Chinese in US who wish ill of the USA are of far bigger number than those of Japanese during WWII.
  9. We see that the conflict between China and the United States was started by Xi Jinping, who thought the United States was so weak that he thought China was really rising in the east and US falling in the west. Now the U.S. has to meet the war by cleaning up the domestic secret agents first. This bill, HB1355, is a subtle and brilliant step.
  10. Because this bill provides a letter of attestation to make these communist lackeys to think twice before acting. It’s not about whether you are following the Communist Party now, it’s not about whether you have any relationship with the Communist Party now, but it’s about the fact that if you find out later, it’s possible to find a reversal. Even if there is no hard evidence now, there is no guarantee that there won’t be later. In legal terms, this goes further than entering the country. At the time of entry, the U.S. government only asks if you are a communist. This bill goes one step further and asks if you have any ties to the Communist Party. You are asked to write a note saying you are not. The sale of a house is used to make people who want to follow the Communist Party in the future think twice.
  11. With these, HB1355 is a giant step forward in deterring the Chinese communists and their followers in the USA.  And that step is the requirement of the affidavit.  This affidavit basically requires those Chinese without green card to put down on paper that they choose to disassociate with the CCP.  This written documentation will remain a document in record after these Chinese get green card or citizenship.  Therefore the affidavit can be used as base for penalty for perjury.
  12. More about Xue Haipei. One of the organizers of the opposition to Florida’s HB1355, hiding behind the scenes, is one Xue Haipei. I would say that Xue Haipei is absolutely a “Fifth Column” of CCP. He has been lurking in the United States but has been speaking for the interests of the Communist Party for more than thirty years.
  13. This man speaks very good English and specializes in making ideas behind the scenes, using others as front. In 1994, Xue Haipei gave a bad idea to Liu Chengyan, the president of IFCSS, who ended up in a lawsuit with the board of directors of IFCSS. Liu Chengyan later lived a life in hiding, and now it has been 29 years, and he can not be found. This is the lesson of listening to Xue Haipei. Xue Haipei’s position has always been pro-communist, and in the 1990s he was a supporter of granting MFN trade status to the mainland China.
  14.  Xue Haipei infiltrated the Democratic Party’s President campaign in 2008 and was once the number one China expert on President Obama’s campaign until he was kicked out by the Obama team just before Obama’s inauguration. This shows how long, and deep and wide the Communist Party’s infiltration has been.
  15. Evidence shows that Xue Haipei was involved in organizing the April 19, 2023 demonstration in Tallahassee against Florida’s HB1355. Using demagogic, anti-racist slogans and under the banner of Chinese, he organized hundreds of Chinese to attend the hearing and those people took  the stage and spoke against the bill. He had  organized against a similar bill in Texas. He did coordination behind the scenes. Using an online platform to direct, he himself made no public appearances in either Texas or Florida.
Haipei Xue (3rd from left) at HB1355/SB264 protest rally
dozens of Chinese Americans pictured with Xue at HB1355/SB264 protest rally
Heipei Xue stirs up the crowd at the HB1355/SB264 protest rally


Wen-he Lu


《A Letter to Florida Legislators Regarding to HB1355/SB264》有一个想法
