• 2025-02-23 13:17


North American Conservative Review

Reflections on Current Culture – Wake-up Call to My Fellow Citizens


11 月 22, 2022

by: John Wu / Nov 21, 2022
Posted on: Nov. 22, 2022

Years ago, from China I came to USA to purse my American Dream, which was not quite clear then in my mind. As you know, China is a socialist country. What many western people may not be aware of is the fact that the basis of socialism is atheism. Socialism and atheism were the fundamental education I was indoctrinated in China through the government enforced education system. Fortunately, after I came to USA, and I got the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Christian campus Bible study. I understood the biblical truth: We all sinned against God, falling in short of His glory, yet God so loved us, that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ in the form of human being. Jesus died on the cross for all our sins, paid the ransom for you and me! He rose from death on the third day to prove to the world that He is truly the Son of God, the Savior who came to redeem us and to release the glorious eternal lives to all who are willing to believe in Him!  This is the GOOD NEWS to all of us! Ever since then, I have been so thankful to God and America!

After I received Jesus into my heart. Holy Spirit opened my eyes; I recognized the fact that the United States of America has been a great country is not a coincidence! It is simply because America was founded by our Founding Fathers on principles that aligned with the biblical truths and moral standards. Our Founding Fathers knew that unless the country was built according to God’s principles and biblical morality, no sustainable prosperity would be guaranteed. Therefore, they set up the Constitution, clearly declared that freedom of exercising personal religion, meaning Christian faith primarily at that time, is the fundamental constitutional right which NO government should eve take away from the people – our Founding Fathers foresaw that there is a risk that someday the future governments would want to take away those freedoms from the people!

Looking back, if there were no free exercising of personal faith, no one would have ever shared Jesus Christ to me. As an atheist by birth, I would never have possibly become a Jesus’ follower by myself.

In contrast to China, after I came to USA, I noted that American people are generally more faithful in their personal and business relationship (~20 year ago). As a Christian, I know that the merit of faithfulness is deeply rooted in the culture of Christianity. I even strongly believe that Americans’ ingenuity comes from the Puritans’ spirit of “working for God”, that makes America a powerful and great country eve since! And I also understood that the so-called American Dream is not just about a luxurious life. The American Dream, which involves the inward happiness and honoring of individual person’s dignity, won’t be so beautiful unless our Constitutional-given freedoms continues being upheld.

Unfortunately, over the last decades, we observed that America was quickly drifting away from the foundations! First in public schools, the right of freely exercising Christian faith was revoked, then gradually removed in many other public spheres. Instead of exalting God’s principles, things abominable in God’s eyes such as sexual immorality, liberal lifestyle (“liberty” without responsibility) and all kinds of gender identity madness were normalized, exalted, and beautified. In the name of “Love” and “Liberty” (hollow slogan like “Love is love”), “Woke” culture becomes like a cult that if you don’t follow it, or dare to defy it, you are viewed, even bulled, by others as an old-fashioned eccentric or idiots. Individual’s dignity is under attack, religious liberty and freedom of speech are at stake!

During China’s “Cultural Revolution” (1960s), people followed the “new era” revolutionary culture, they wanted to destroy everything in the “old culture”.  The direct consequence of the “Cultural Revolution” was a moral free-fall in entire society, followed by economic collapse in the subsequent decades.

As a Christian, I know the God of Bible is the only true God. Lunatic deceiving culture will only lead people to pitch dark miseries. Truth will give us the light of life which leads to real happiness. “The Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

As scripture said, “Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained” (1 Samuel 2:30). If we honor the true and living God, our Founding Fathers’ God, God will surely sustain America as a city on the hill, continuing shining before the whole world. However, if we disown our God, resist the Truth, the consequence is surely very serious! So, wake up, my fellow citizens!  

—- Contact me at jzw428@yahoo.com

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