Author: John Wu / 2022.09.28
Published on:2022.09.27
I believe most of us agree that this country has been blessed over two centuries. American people have enjoyed peaceful and prosperous life most of time in last two hundred years. However, I feel many of us do not understand why so, failing to reflect on the reasons behind it. I firmly believe it is all due to the solid foundation our founding fathers built for this country, especially the precious Constitution!
Recently I had an opportunity to have conversations with many high school students. I started with such a question, “Do you know the first Amendment”?
Many of them could answer, “freedom of speech”, some of them could even list out all, “freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, assemble, and petition”. No one replied precisely using the same order and languages used in the original document. So, no surprise that all of them failed to answer my next two questions.
After heard of my second question, “Do you know from who the First Amendment was set to protect you”? only a few could answer “the government”!
When I asked, “Do you know why freedom of religion is the first right to be protected”? Not even one student could answer me.
Then I explained to them, ALL AGREED after they heard my reflections (young people are so lovely!).
Here is what I said, and plainly put here:
Our founding fathers must have foreseen that someday in the future, the government could evolve and become a monster, that the government may want to control everything (maybe they think it is better for them to do so)!
The very first thing the government wants to control is “exercising of religion”, as religion is essentially your faith which is fundamentally what you believe (about God, meaning of your existence, the worldview etc.). If you don’t have the freedom on what you believe, then the freedom of speech, press, assembly are all meaningless! After all, speech is nothing but the expression of what you believe! If your freedom of faith is controlled by government, then you lost freedom of speech too even being granted to you! Do you agree?
Another thing we need to pay attention to the original word our founding fathers used (how insightful they were!), the freedom of religion is all about “free EXERCISING of religion”, I have to say, if you don’t have the right of free exercising your religion, your religion is locked in cage, at least partially dead! If you are not allowed to exercise your religion in all public squares, your religion is dying, your freedom is fading away!
My dear fellow citizens, the First Amendment is for this season, our age of The United States of America!

他们中的许多人可以回答:“言论自由。” 有些人甚至可以列出所有的 “言论自由、宗教自由、出版自由、集会自由和请愿自由”。没有人完全按照原始文件中使用的顺序和语言答复。所以,他们都没能回答我接下来的两个问题也就不足为奇了。
在听到我的第二个问题 “你们知道《第一修正案》是为了保护你免于谁的侵害而制定的吗?” 后,只有少数人能回答:“政府!”
当我问道:“你们知道为什么宗教自由是受保护的第一权利吗?” 甚至没有一个学生能回答我。
政府想要控制的第一件事就是 “宗教的行使”,因为宗教本质上是你的信仰,从根本上说你相信什么(关于上帝,你存在的意义,世界观等)。如果你没有信仰的自由,那么言论、出版、集会的自由都是毫无意义的!毕竟,言语只不过是你所相信的东西的表达!如果你的信仰自由被政府控制,那么即使你被授予言论自由,你也会失去它!你们同意吗?
另一件我们需要注意的事是,我们的国父们最初使用的词(他们是多么有洞察力!),宗教自由就是 “自由行使宗教信仰”,我不得不说,如果你没有自由行使宗教信仰的权利,你的宗教就被锁在笼子里,至少部分死亡!如果你不被允许在所有的公共广场上行使你的宗教信仰,你的宗教信仰正在消亡,你的自由正在消失!
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