演讲人:John K. Amanchukwu牧师 / 2022.05.14
视频摄制及编译:Xinying /2022.05.21
【编者按】这段视频是当今美国知名作家、演说家和社会活动家约翰·阿曼楚库牧师本月14日在肯塔基州方舟公园举办的 “美国营火复兴会”(American Campfire Revival)上的激情演讲。阿曼楚库牧师毫不隐讳地指出了今日美国教会存在的严重问题:牧师的证道已经严重偏离了整全的圣经真理,被阉割的真理不是真理。神的教会要复兴,首先教会的领袖要认罪悔改。
阿曼楚库牧师毕业于北卡罗来纳州立大学,他曾在查克·阿马托(Chuck Amato)教练手下踢美式足球。他又毕业于自由大学(Liberty University)基督教事工专业,获硕士学位。除其他成就外,在地方及国家层面,他曾担任青年及青年成人事工的领袖,并担任青年牧师达十五年之久。在过去的四年里,阿曼楚库牧师在东南部最繁忙的堕胎诊所之一为 “爱生命” 组织了为期40周的行走祈祷活动。
- 当你死去,站在基督的审判台前,你只会去两个地方:不是天堂就是地狱。
- 系统性种族理论在教会中没有立足之地, 因为种族主义不是肤色的问题,而是一种罪。
- 世界上只有两种性别: 根据圣经创世纪5章2节, 神创造了男人和女人。但是现在有60多种人称代词。他们到处疯狂地用着这些人称代词,我受够了,我是不会参与到这个人称代词的游戏里去的。你可以把男人仍进垃圾桶, 但归根结底,他还是个男人。
- 怯懦不是圣灵的果子。牧师怯懦, 那是尤其糟糕的一件事情。
- 有人告诉我们应该办一张疫苗接种卡,同样的这批人,却说不能给黑人选民证, 因为黑人还不够聪明到可以拿选民证。这种事情发生在我们的土地上,难道不是一种讽刺和嘲弄吗?
- 上帝不仅会审判我们对自己的身体做了什么, 而且上帝也会根据我们如何投票来评判我们。现在有一个左翼政党,在他们的党纲中,支持堕胎。今天我想告诉你,我是不会投票给任何一个支持堕胎的政党候选人的。你呢? 你会怎么做?
- 即使同性婚姻在这个国家是合法的,但这仍然是不正确的。你可以让它合法,但你没法让它变得正确。
- 十个母亲永远不会等同于一个父亲,十个父亲永远不会等同于一个母亲。家庭是需要一个父亲和一个母亲的。
- 公立学校系统憎恨圣经中的神。既然它憎恨圣经中的神, 我们怎么能指望它能很好地教导,培养和发展我们的孩子呢?
- 你不可能支持堕胎,同时又称呼基督的名。
这10条你今天在教会的讲道中是很可能听不到的。但这是真理,我们不能支持堕胎的同时称呼耶稣的名。因为圣经告诉我们,箴言6章16-17节: 耶和华所恨恶的有6样, 连他心所憎恶的共有7样:神憎恶高傲的眼(傲慢的面孔),上帝憎恨说谎的舌头,和流无辜人血的手。
你们都知道,最近有人被提名到最高法院,这是基于两个原因: 因为她的肤色和她的性别。但我要告诉你,被提名最高法院的标准,不应该基于性别或肤色,而是应该而且只能基于才能。
当她被提名,并站在国会前面的时候, 他们问了她一些简单的问题,比如,“什么是女人?”当她回答的时候,她说,“我,我不知道,我又不是生物学家。”你知道,这是一件很悲哀的事情。
我五岁的儿子有一次画了一幅女人的画像。他那五岁的脑海里的女人, 首先是留着长发的,然后他也画了大大的漂亮的眼睛,和长长的睫毛;因为在我5岁儿子的头脑里女人有长长的睫毛。然后她画了一张大大的笑脸,因为在我5岁儿子眼里,女人是笑的。然后他画了她的胸部,他也没有忘记细节。我想他这样画是因为他不需要去最高法院做法官,也不需要把皮球扔来扔去。但在我五岁的儿子的头脑里,他知道女人长什么样的。
我今天也想再和你分享一个组织叫“Love Life (热爱生命)”。这个组织的目的是想要动员教会,唤醒教会。已有超过11万3,000多人出来支持这个组织,而且,超过四千多的婴儿已经获救。因为“热爱生命”这个组织带领了在我们国家的一些大型的堕胎诊所的40周的行走祷告。
你们知道,上帝是关乎生命的。撒母耳记下21章1节, 上帝对以色列人进行审判,都是因为扫罗的罪,因为扫罗杀了基遍人。但那时候是大卫在位,而扫罗已经死了三十年了。上帝追讨他的罪,在这片土地上降下长达三年的饥荒。祂为什么要这么做?祂这么做是因为流了无辜人的血。想一想吧,我们现在的疫情已经快三年了,上帝让美国经历这个饥荒,是因为自从1973年以后,我们对婴儿在子宫中被杀害这一事实视而不见。教会对此也几乎只字不提。我们去教堂参加只有一年才一次的“神圣生命”的特殊礼拜,那是不够的,那一次礼拜之后就再不谈论这个问题。
我们今天站在ARK前面,让我们聊一聊ARK这个首字母缩写。ARK代表接受, 悔改,和知识。
当我们走近 “杰克逊” 事件(Jackson’s case),如果你看到疯狂的团体比如 BLM(黑命贵)再次露面,你不需要感到惊讶。2020年12月,当自由派的市长和州长们袖手旁观, 并允许昼夜被黑暗笼罩的时候,他们就统治了黑暗了。当他们尖叫和呼喊着,削减警察经费,对他们来说结局是什么?我们想取消对警察的资助,但我们其实企图撤资了一个错误的团体。勒布朗·詹姆斯这样的人大喊撤资警察,错了!我们需要撤资的是计划生育组织(Planned Parenthood)!如果我们撤资计划生育组织的话,我们就能抢救婴孩!
有一位牧师名叫马丁·尼莫勒,他说:“他们先是来找共产主义的麻烦,我没有发声,因为我不是共产主义者。当他们找社会主义麻烦的时候,我没有发声,因为我不是社会主义者。然后他们来找犹太人麻烦,我没有发声,因为我不是犹太人。最后他们来找我的麻烦的时候,已经没有人留下来为我说话。” 当我们还有机会说话的时候,如果我们不发声,总有一天,会没有人能够用他们的声音来支持你。
In the next few moment, I want to talk to youabout 10 things that most pastors are afraid to say. I also want to talk to youabout, Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood. And then I want toshare with you an acronym called ARK, which stands for Acceptance, Repentance,and Knowledge.
Ten things that pastors are afraid to tell youtoday:
1. When you die and stand before the judgmentseat of Christ, there are only two places that you’re going to go to:either heaven or hell.
2. Critical Race Theory has no place inthe church, because Racism is not a skin color, it is Sin.
3. There are only two genders. Accordingto the Bible, Genesis 5:2. That God, not man, created the Maleand Female.
Now there are nearly over 60 different pronounstoday. They have been pronouncing us to death. I’m sick of all of this pronounstuff. I am not going to participate in this pronoun Charade and game. You canthrow a man in a trash can, but by the end of the day he’s still a man.
4. Cowardice is not the fruit of thespirit. And it especially looks bad on the back of pastors.
5. The same people who told us today that weshould all get a vaccination ID card. But these same people look at blackpeople and say we can’t pass voter ID, because black people are not smartenough to get a voter ID card. Isn’t this a travesty in our land, thatpropaganda is being used just to push issues in government?
6. God will not only judge us based uponwhat we have done in our body. But God will judge us based upon how we vote.Now there’s this party on the left who has in their party’s platform support ofabortion. I want you to know today I will not vote for any political candidatewho supports abortion. How about you?
7. All those same-sex marriage is legal inthis country. But it’s still not right. You can make it legal, but youcan not make it right.
8. Ten mothers would never equate to one father,and ten fathers would never equate to one mother. Parents need a fatherand a mother.
9. The public school system hates the Godof the Bible. Since it hates the God of the Bible, how can we expect itto teach, train and to properly develop our children.
10. You can’t be pro-abortion, and namethe name of Christ at the same time.
Those are ten things that more than likely youwon’t hear from modern day preacher. But it is the Truth. We cannotsupport abortion and at the same time claim the name of Christ. Becausethe Bible tells us, proverbs 6: 16-17, these sixthings the Lord hates. Yes, seven are an abomination to Him. He hates a proudlook. God hate arrogant faces. God hates a lying tongue, and then hands thatshed innocent blood.Thebaby in the womb is innocent. Those sitting in the seat of coward areafraid to stand up for what we believe. We need the church to wake up and bethe church. And tell the world that the baby’s life start at womb, and start atconception. We have been scienced to death over the past 3 years, Fauci hereand Fauci there. But at the end of the day, people are still confused on whenlife begins.
You know, someone just got appointed to thesupreme court, based upon two things: the color of her skin and her gender. ButI want to tell you that the criteria for nominate a person to the supremecourt should not be based upon sex or color, but should be based upon merit andmerit only. When it was time for her to be nominated and stand beforecongress. They asked her simple questions, like, “what is a woman?” She said,“I …. I don’t know. I am not a biologist.”
You know this is really a sad thing. Myfive-year-old son, John Jr. once drew a picture of a woman. This is thedescription of how he viewed from his five-year-old mind: first of all, thiswoman had long hair. Also, he drew big beautiful eyes with long eyelashes.Because in the mind of my five- year-old son, woman has long eyelashes, and mandoes not have. The next thing he did was he drew a big smiley face on thiswoman. Because in the mind of my five-year-old son, woman smiles. Then he drewher chest and he did not spare any detail. Now I am saying this because my sonJohn Jr. has never passed the ball. He has never had to rule on the SupremeCourt as a judge. But in the mind of my five-year-old son, he knows what awoman looks like. Today, we have people who are playing politics with thehighest court in our nation, and this must change.
I also want to share an organization called“Love Life”. This organization, is set to mobilize the church, to awaken thechurch. And over the past six years, over 113,000 people have come out tosupport “Love Life”, and over four thousand babies have been saved. Because“Love Life” leads 40 weeks of Prayer walk in some of the biggest abortionclinics in our country.
God is concerned about life. Second Samuel 21:1, God sent judgment upon Israel because ofSaul’s sin, when he went and killed the Gibeonites. David was on thethrone at this time, but Saul was dead for 30 years. God visited his sin, afamine upon the land for three years. And why did he do it?He did it because of theshedding of innocent blood. Go figure, we have beenin this Pandemic for nearly 3 years. And God has sent a famine upon America,because since 1973 we have turned a blind eye to the fact that babies are beingkilled in the womb. And the church barely says anything about it. It’s notenough for us to go to church, in his special sanctity of life service once ayear, and then never talk about the issue again.
in order to see repentance, we have to embracethe acronym, ARK. ARK stands for the acceptance, repentance and knowledge.
Number one, we have to accept the fact that wehave done the cross of this justice because often times we’re more consumerChristians than laborers in God’s field. Consumer Christianity is destroyingthe church, and that needs to change. The church is not a country club. It’snot a place where you come and sit there, and put your feet up on a comfortablesofa, and sit there with your board shorts and your sandals, and drink yourcoffee, and wait for someone to serve you. It should not be like that. Itshould be reverse. We should be serving the church, particularly being thelight of the world, and showing the world that on the hill faraway stood an oldrugged cross.
Number two, repentance is not giving God asorry, sorry. Repentance is turning from what you are doing, having a heartthat is contrite. David said, “created in me a clean heart, and renewed inme a steadfast spirit”. It is not until your heart is broken that you can seetrue repentance. Here is the problem with the modern day church, our hearts arenot broken. We are not concerned with what God is concerned with. And youcannot have revivals until you line up in repentance and do what thus said theLord. There can be no revival until we are brought to our knees. Here’s thething, because of the pride of the church, we rarely get on our knees becausewe only give Jesus 15 seconds of our time, and then we go about our day.
Our children spend nearly 16,000 hours, in theireducational career, from k to 12 in public school, nearly 16,000 hours. Andthen we have to teach the junk out of them, the culture has placed in them. Andour children are dying because of devices. As they scroll and see the world, theworld is converting and corrupting their consciousness. To the point that yourchildren come home one day, and they are saying and doing things that you don’tagree with. But you give them the cell phone, and you give them the access tothe world. So don’t be surprised, if you send your children to Rome, they comeback Romans. What we need today is for the father and the mother to stand asthe shepherds of their home, to bind God’s truth around our children’s neck,and write God’s truth upon our doorposts, and keep them in remembrance of whatGod has said.
Number three, what does knowledge do? Well, theBible tells us in the Old Testament, that the sons of Issachar understood ofthe times, and they knew what Israels should do. What should the church be doingtoday? The church should be mourning over the holocaust that has taken placesince 1973. The church’s heart should be bleeding, as God’s heart bleeds forthe babies in the womb.
And as we approach Jackson’s case, don’t besurprised if you see crazy groups like BLM show up again. In December 2020,they ruled the darkness, as liberal Mayors and governors stood back, andallowed darkness rule the day and the night. They screamed and shouteddefunding the police, but we are trying to defund the wrong group. People likeLeBron James shouted defunding the police! No, we actually need to defundthe planned parenthood. Because when we defund planned parenthood, we will savea baby a day!
There was a pastor by the name of Martin Niemoller, who let his congregation through the holocaust. He said this one day, “First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t communists. When they came for the socialists, I did not speak up, because I wasn’t a socialist. Then they came for Jews, I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t Jews. Then ultimately they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me.” If we don’t use our voice, while we have a chance, there will come a day when no one will be able to use their voice to support you. And those who should be concerned the most about how we treat the baby in the womb should be those who are elderly. When you become aged, you can’t walk, or move as fast as you used to, we should be concerned about it.
The Bible tells us, to rescue those who are being led away, to hold back those staggering toward slaughter. There are 700 abortion clinics in the US. Instead of us sending people to foreign country like Egypt and Africa, we need to become the missionaries at our local abortion clinics. Take funding and research, our time, talent and treasure, pulling into those areas. Why? Because since 1973, sixty-four million babies have been aborted, with the support of our government. This can’t be! So Today I say to you, let the baby live! Let the baby live! Let the baby live!
God Bless You!
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