• 2025-02-28 15:32


North American Conservative Review



5 月 13, 2021

作者:林伟雄 医生 / 萧生客微信公号 /2021.05.11









第一,这位女士可能代表了相当一部分白人,他们相信了媒体关于 “白人至上 “的反亚裔仇恨犯罪的说法,这表明左翼媒体对许多美国人的思想和信念有多大的控制力。

第二,我们看到新闻报道说有亚裔收到仇恨信息或被人用 “滚回中国去 “之类的话大骂。有些事情可能确实发生了,这些行为当然令人厌恶,但它们与出于任何动机的暴力犯罪并没有决定性的联系。媒体对许多人进行了洗脑,使他们把它们等同于或相信有因果关系。相反,我从来没有看到媒体报道过像今天我遇到的这种反向或自我仇恨。



加拉太书2:20 我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着。并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信神的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己。




The white guilt that I encountered first hand today.

We were traveling in Florida and went to a small town with a population of maybe 100,000 or so, with probably rather few from Asian descent. While we were at the supermarket, a middle-aged white woman came up to us and said, “I am ashamed to be a white person because I see people of my race doing very vile acts of racial hatred against you Asians. I am ashamed of that and I also believe in apologizing to the editor of our newspaper, to the Asians.”

I replied to her, “First of all, I thank you for your kindness, but I want to say to you that you have no reason to apologize for white people or for the American people, let alone feel ashamed of them, because in the 30+ years we have lived in America, all we have encountered is generosity and welcome, especially from white people. So you have no reason to apologize for the people of this country and this race, much less feel ashamed. “

She replied, “But all I see on TV are these words and actions of their racial hatred.

I said, crimes happen every day in major cities, and the victims of these crimes are of any race. The reason you have the perception that Americans, especially whites, are racially motivated to hate Asians is because the media deliberately exaggerates such reports. The fact is that there are prejudiced and in some cases hostile minorities within all ethnic groups for various reasons, but the vast majority of Americans have shown extraordinary welcome and generosity to people of foreign cultures, otherwise we wouldn’t have taken root here. The media has a specific agenda to promote racial animosity, especially when the blame of that animosity can be placed on whites. They want to use it to advance a political agenda that is very detrimental to our country. We should recognize their agenda and not be misinformed.

Later in the conversation, the woman said she understood that Americans have a very generous and welcoming cultural tradition, and also understood how the media might play it up.

On reflection, whole thing really bothered me, not because of regret for failing to deliver on the spot a more complete or polished response, but rather in the following thoughts:

Assuming her apology was sincere without posturing of virtue signaling, I see the following harms hidden in this apparently innocent gesture.

1st, This lady probably represented a substantial portion of white people who have bought in the media’s narrative about anti-Asian hate crimes committed by “white supremacy”, showing how strong a grip the left wing media has on the thoughts and believes of many Americans.

2nd, We see news report of people receiving hate messages or being yelled at with  words like “Go back to China” or such. Some may indeed happen, and those behaviors are certainly disgusting, but they are not conclusively associated with the violent crimes committed with whatever motivations. Media have brainwashed many into equating them or believing a cause and effect relationship. I have never see media reporting on such reverse or self hatred.

3rd, The anti-Asian hate craze was only the focus of news media for no more than 1-2 weeks, and that was enough to compel some Caucasians with especially sensitive conscience to apologize to total strangers, just because we looked Asian (we were wearing masks, so she wasn’t even completely sure at first)! How much more the same people felt the need to bow down to the BLM and the reparation project after endless bombardment!

And the worse would have been, she could have been just virtue signaling. That would mean our society has gotten to the point where people feels compelled to dance to the tune of the elites, whether they resonate or not. That would mean 1984 has already arrived.


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