• 2025-01-30 00:33


North American Conservative Review



10 月 29, 2020


Warning from 'America's prophet' goes global

我是乔纳森∙卡恩。我们正站在一个最关键的时刻, 在很短的时间内,美国将决定其未来。这无疑是我们一生中最关键的选举在我们的一生中,这个国家从未像现在这样分裂过。我们正站在一个十字路口和悬崖边上。我们要么延长一扇时间之窗,延长恩典的时间,让我们回到神的面前要么我们就会关闭这扇窗,封住我们国家的离去,的堕落,的离经叛道,以及向审判的发展。除此之外,当美国进入这次选举时,是如此深刻的分裂,以至于支撑的结构,现在正处于解体的危险之中。 

那些读过《预兆》的人,知道圣经中关于国家审判的模板,首先是对土地的打击,然后是国家回归神的跨度年限。从9.11开始,我们就进入了这个时间窗口。2019年,我看到了这个窗口有结束的危险的迹象。2020年将是大动荡和黑暗事件的一年,预兆中所说的审判的动态将恢复。这就是为什么我知道,我也必须写出《预兆》,来警告这一切的走向。现在,我们正在接近决定的时刻, 关于关键问题,选择从未如此黑暗。 








第二,如果你是神的儿女,你不做任何事情来阻止黑暗,那么你就像守望者看到刀剑来了,保持沉默神说,他们的血要在你的头上。你是世界的光,如果你不把你的光照进黑暗,那么你就不再是那光。如果你有机会投票支持光明,反对黑暗,而你却不投,那么你怎么会不被追究,不为接下来发生的事情负责呢? 你们也将站在上帝面前,在那一天,你们不希望他们的血沾在你们的头上。做你该做的事,投票保护手无寸铁的人,拯救未出生的生命。投票支持福音的传播,投票支持为下一代敞开的窗口,投票支持善,投票支持神的道路。 




译者注: 乔纳森-卡恩(Jonathan Cahn),生于1959年12月22日) 是一位弥赛亚派基督教牧师和作家。 他的小说《预兆》将美国和 “9-11 “袭击事件与古代以色列和以色列王国的毁灭相提并论。《预兆》是《纽约时报》连续畅销100多周,销量超过200万册! 亚马逊网站畅销榜前100名,连续6个月以上。在《今日美国》畅销书150强中排名超过79周。7000条5星评论! 卡恩在《预兆》之后还出版了其他五本书:《谢米塔之谜》、《神秘之书》、《典范》、《神谕》和《预兆二:回归》。 


Jonathan Cahn: Warning for Election Day & Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting 

This is Jonathan khan. We are standing at a most critical moment, in a short time, America will be deciding its future. It is undoubtedly the most pivotal election of our lifetime, and never in our lifetime has this nation been as divided as it is now. We’re standing at a crossroad and a precipice. We will either extend a window of time, an extension of grace to return to God, or we will shut that window, and seal our nation’s departure, its fall, its apostasy, and its progression to judgment. Beyond that as America enters this election, it is so profoundly divided, that the very fabric that holds it together, is now in danger of unraveling.  

Those of you who have read the Harbinger, know of the biblical template of national judgment, that first comes a strike on the land, and then a span of years for the nation to return to God. We have been in that window of time since 9 11. In 2019, I saw the signs that the window was in danger of ending, and that 2020 would be a year of great shakings and dark events, and that the dynamic of judgment spoken of in the harbinger would resume. That’s why I knew. I had to write the harbinger too, to warn of where it was all going. And now we’re approaching the moment of decision, in regard to the critical issues the choice has never been this dark.  

We have one platform, and one agenda that aims to uphold the life of the unborn; and we have another that has pledged to expand their murder, to strike down every restraint on their murder, and to compel every taxpaying American to participate in their murder by paying for it.

We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to uphold biblical morality concerning marriage, gender, sexuality, and another that has pledged to advance a radical agenda against the word of God. 

We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect the right of parents to educate their children according to their choice and God’s Word; and another that seeks to remove that right, and force the indoctrination of our children against the ways of God. 

We have one platform and one agenda that seeks to protect religious freedom against that which would seek to end it; and another that threatens to eliminate it. 

It’s not an exaggeration, that if the second agenda and party take control of the government, it will ultimately mean that the existence of Christian schools, colleges, education ministries, and churches will be endangered. It will mean the blood of the unborn will be free-flowing, and with your forced participation, with your hands covered with blood. It will mean the enshrinement of evil as good, and of good as evil. It will ultimately mean the persecution of God’s people, and the sealing of the judgment of this nation.  

So, I have three things to say, and I say them not as representing any ministry or congregation, but simply as a watchman. 

Number one, it’s not about people personalities or parties, it’s about the issues; and the issues could not be any more clear or stark. If you cast your vote for an agenda, that means that one more drop of blood, the blood of the unborn will be shed, your hands will be covered with that blood. If you cast your vote for an agenda, that will work toward the ending of religious freedom, and the gospel going forth that advances, what is clearly against the Word of God, and opposes that which is of the Word of God, and indoctrinates our children to do likewise, then I cannot see how you will not be complicit in, and partaking of the ushering in of darkness, and subject to the judgment of God, that is to come in this life, and in eternity. 

Number two, if you are a child of God, and you do nothing to stop the darkness, then you are as the watchman who sees the sword coming, and stay silent, God says, their blood shall be upon your head. You are the light of the world, if you do not shine your light into the darkness, then you cease to be that light. If you have the chance to vote for light, and against the darkness, and you do not, then how will you not be held accountable, and responsible for what happens next?  You will also stand before God, and on that day, you do not want their blood to be upon your head. Do what you have to do, vote to defend the defenseless, to save the lives of the unborn. Vote for the gospel to go forth, for the window to remain open for the next generation, for the good, for the ways of God. 

And number three, no matter who you are, this moment November third will be critical in determining the future of America and the world. Beyond voting at the ballot box, the most powerful thing you can do, we can do, is to vote with our prayers in the presence of God. Therefore, I’m compelled to call for a day of prayer and fasting, on the exact day November 3rd 2020. November 3rd is election day. 

Let us also make November 3rd God’s Day, the day of prayer and fasting. Millions of us joined together on the day of the return one month ago, according to 2nd Chronicles 7:14, and in movements of prayer since then. Let us now commit to seal it all on November 3rd. Spread the word, tell your friends, tell your pastors, commit that day in your homes, on your jobs, in your churches, in your fellowships, to humble yourself, humble ourselves to pray, and to seek His face, and to turn from our evil ways, that He will hear from heaven, and answer our prayers. Let us pray, that in all these things, the will of God be done, and that He will elect to government those of His choosing, and that no matter what, no matter what it takes, that revival will come to this land.  

November 3, 2020 Election Day Day of Prayer and Fasting 


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