• 2025-01-30 03:22


North American Conservative Review



10 月 26, 2020



女性完全统治着美国 …… 我们获得了更多的大学学位 …… 性别工资差距只是一个神话 …… 所谓的现代女权主义者,已渐渐濒临死亡。我叫吉娜·弗洛里奥(Gina Florio),这是我的故事: 

我在一个基督徒家庭长大,是的,我的父母告诉我这里是充满机会的地方,妈妈总是说:“妳可以做任何想做的事。”她说妳可以成为妳想做的人。我记得我小时候听她说过,只要受过良好的教育,我就能做我想做的任何事情。嗯,进入哈佛大学对我来说是一个非常重要的时刻,然而当我到达那儿,我甚至还记得,因为那是一个神学课程(注:作者在哈佛大学获得了神学研究的硕士学位),在那里,我才真正领教了洗脑和灌输的机器。我第一年的课程是关于美国监狱系统中的种族伦理。教授坦率地告诉我们,这是一个统治美国的白人至上制度,而美国监狱制度却像奴隶一样对待人民。我们读了新的《吉姆·克劳法(Jim Crow)》,所以我认真的在对这个批判理论的神学进行了深入研究,而且我越陷越深。 


我参加了很多派对, 用了很多的毒品。那是一段艰难的时期。上帝出现了! 我的意思是我甚至不知道该怎么解释。我打开烧烤炉上的煤气罐,但煤气罐没有连接好,引发了煤气罐爆炸。我被送往医院,我的脸和脖子有一度和二度的烧伤,我的脸完全烧焦,所有细腻的皮肤都剥落了。几个星期过去了。我必须离开该国才能续签旅游签证。他们发现我基本上是持旅游签证工作,这显然是非法的。我别无选择,只能回家。

我妈妈说,当我从拘留所给她打电话时,她说她很放心。她很放心,不仅是因为我还活着,还因为我要回家了。(拭泪)抱歉,我没想到会哭, 那是一段艰难的时期。这很奇怪,你知道我很难过,我让我的妈妈忍受了她必须从看到我从一个全优的学生,对人生有真正的抱负,然后突然之间我就像是,把所有的都踢走,什么都不想要了。我只想自由。 


一年,他们要我写有色人种对于白人的10个新年立志。我最后写了。我想,要吸收我从大学,和研究院学到的一切,然后在这种媒体环境中,我就像是一个完美的风暴,可以在非常反美的地方制作反男人和反资本主义的内容。但那个时候有趣的是,我的前夫把我给翻转了。我们逐渐在家里进行这些对话。当时我的丈夫问我要否看一个电视访谈节目。那次采访是坎迪斯·欧文斯(Candance Owens),这是她在2017年《鲁宾报告(Rubin Report)》上的第一次。我只记得看着这个女孩,对自己说,我被媒体骗了。感觉这里有些东西不对劲,然后我进行了深入的探索。我看了很多Victor Davis Hanson的节目。也看了他的许多演讲。我经常听《鲁宾报告》,那段婚姻在我的生活中起了非常重要的作用,因为它揭开了那方面纱。他确实帮助我理解了很多我被教导的和我作为一个编辑和作者所出版的很多东西显然是弥天大谎,完全是谎言。

对我来说,真正翻转我的是现代女权主义的谎言。男女之间的关系并不是现代女权主义者所说的那样。然后,我开始对女性在美国的情况进行更多的研究,并开始意识到女性在美国的强势地位。我们获得了更多的大学学位。我了解到性别工资差距是一个神话。当时有很多Prager 大学的视频,我记得我看过克里斯蒂娜·霍夫·索默斯(Christina Hoff Sommers)的视频,谈论性别工资差距的神话。渐渐地,在我内心里的现代女权主义和现代女权主义者也渐渐死去。



我爱这个国家。 我喜欢这些机会,是赋予我母亲和我家人的。 我喜欢每年七月四号带给我的机会。 现在,我对这个国家深有敬意,我真的相信上帝以独特的方式祝福了美国。 我们是一个非常非常独特而已经成功了的实验。 现在,我正在读迪内什·杜萨(Dinesh D’Souza)的《社会主义美国》。 您知道这些书确实使我将它紧抱在我的胸前,我非常感激我生在这里。 自从我还是个孩子的时候,妈妈总是告诉我,她说,女孩儿,妳得到了在美国出生的金票!我妈妈是对的。 我现在很幸运,很幸运能在这里。 我就爱美国。 我爱我们的国家。 


Women are completely dominating America.  We get more college degrees, the gender wage gap was a complete myth. It was little by little the modern feminists in me was just sort of dying. My name is Gina Florio and this is my story.   

I grew up in a Christian home. Yah my parents really taught me that this is the land of opportunity and my mom always told me, she says you can do anything you want to do.  She says you can be anything you want to be.  I remember hearing that from a very early time when I was a kid, she said that as long as I got a great education that I’d be able to do pretty much anything I wanted to do with my life.  Um, so that was a really big moment for me when I got into Harvard, but I got there and then I even remember because it was a divinity program that’s where you really get the machine of the brainwashing and the indoctrination. I took a class my first year called race ethics in the U.S. prison system.  and the professor, she flat out told us that it was a white supremacy system that ruled America and that the U.S. prison system treated back people like slaves.  We read the new Jim Crow, and so I was really digging deep into the theology into this critical theory and I was getting deeper and deeper. 

But when I got done with my degree program, even more I asked myself, what on earth am I going to with this? I have to take responsibility too, but I think in a way higher education kind of destroyed me.  It little by little took away all the layers that really gave grounding and meaning and it gave me an entirely new viewpoint of the world, a new lens through which to see the world. And that lens did not see the world kindly.  You know there was an agenda there.  They wanted us to hate America. They wanted us to hate the free market in capitalism.  I came out of Harvard not only as an atheist but I was angry.  I hated America and I wanted to leave.  So at the end of that year, I moved to Australia.  I just picked up my stuff.  I got rid of my apartment.  I was like I am out of here., and I was convinced that I was just gong to kind of live in this little small beach town called Byron Bay.  I was really soul-searching.  I was searching for something.  And because I had abandoned all the things that were most meaningful to me, I felt so empty.  I kept denouncing all the things that I had held dear in my life before, and spent a long time looking for meaning and happiness in all the wrong places. 

I was partying a lot. I was doing a lot of drugs. It was a rough time. And God happened. I mean I don’t’ even know how to explain it. I was turning on the gas tank to the barbecue, and the gas tank wasn’t hooked up correctly.  It set off. The gas tank exploded. I ended up gong to the hospital at first and second degree burns all over my face, my neck, my face was completely charred. All of the delicate skin that was peeling off.  A couple weeks went by.  I had to leave the country in order to renew my tourist visa.  They found out that I was essentially working on a tourist visa, which is obviously illegal.  And I had no choice but to go back home.  My mom said when I called her from the detention center, she said she was so relieved.  She was so relieved, not only because I was alive, but because I was coming home. Sorry, I never expected to cry doing this.  It was a rough time and it was strange and you know I feel bad I put my mom through that she had to watch me go from a straight A student and having real ambitions for my life and then all of a sudden I was just sort of like, you know, kicking it all away, and so I don’t want any of that.  I just want to be free.  

I was a freelance writer for a couple of media publications.  You write whatever they give you.  So at the start of a week my editor would give me a list of topics, and I could choose which ones I wanted.  The list was always something like 10 ways you can be more of an intersectional feminist.  Ten ways you can support more women-owned businesses.  Ten ways that cultural appropriation hurts everyone especially minorities.  So they would assign us very very leftist, very feminist issues that we would just sort of have to produce because the name of the game for these media companies is quantity over quality.  It’s all about clicks and views and traffic, because that’s how they make their money.  That’s how the advertisers will buy ads.  So they just give you topics that they know will get a lot of clicks and views, and you are just expected to write them.   

One year they asked me to write 10 new year’s resolutions that people of color have for white people. I ended up writing that.  I would, you know, take everything that I learned from college and university and graduate school, and then being in this media environment, I was kind of just the perfect storm of a place to produce content where it was very anti-America, very anti-men, anti-capitalism.  But what’s interesting about that time is that my ex-husband red pilled me. Little by little we would have these conversations at home.  My husband at the time asked me if I would watch an interview, and that interview was Candance Owens, the fist time she was on the Reuben Report in 2017.  I just remember watching this girl and thinking to myself I am being lied to by the media. There’s something wrong here and then I took a deep dive.  I watched so much Victor Davis Hanson.  I watched a lot of his speeches.  I was listening to the Reuben report a lot。 that marriage played a really big role in my life because it brought me, it pulled back the veil.  He really helped me understand that a lot of the things that I was taught a lot of the things that I was producing as an editor, and as a writer were just patently, blatantly false, and a complete lie. 

A really big sort of red pill for me was the lie of modern feminism, the relationship between men and women is not the way that modern feminists say it is.  Then I started researching more about how women were doing in America and I started to realize that women are completely dominating America.  We get more college degrees.  I learned that the gender wage gap was a complete myth, a lot of the Prager University videos at the time.  I remember watching the video of Christina Hoff Sommers, talking about the myth of the gender wage gap.  It was little by little, the modern feminism, the modern feminists in me was sort of dying. 

All these facts and data and statistics that were just kind of bubbling up  All of the lies of America being a racist white supremacist country was really dividing us.  I started doing Jiu Jitsu when I was in San Francisco towards the end of my time there, and something occurred to me that sports and fitness are almost inherently conservative.  They are based on merit, they are based on hard work, they are based on tangible results, no matter where you come from, no matter what the color of your skin is, no matter what kind of background you had, what kind of socioeconomic status you come from, if you work hard enough, you can lose 20 pounds。 If you work hard enough you can win that Jiu Jitsu fight.

I do think there is a very strong, a very interesting connection between being getting physically fit and going through that process, because I found myself very inspired to improve other part of my life. I look back on all of my experiences, and I just really hope I just hope and I pray that all the pain and the suffering and the turmoil and the chaos and the inner struggle that I dealt with as a woman in my 20s, i hope that my story can really inspire young women to take the narrow path, and not be seduced by the lifestyle that I think is pushed today in mainstream media as pushed by, you know, our culture and our society to be free. 

I love this country. I love the opportunities, but it is given my mother that it is given my family.  I love the opportunities that it is given to me every Fourth of July.  Now I just have a deep reverence for this country and I really believe that God has blessed America in unique ways.  We are a very very unique experiment that has gone right.  Right now I am reading Dinesh D’Souza’s “United States of Socialism”.  You know these books really make me clutch the book to my chest and I am just so grateful that I was born here. My mom always told me since I was a kid she said, girl, you got the golden ticket you were born in America, and my mom was right.  I am so lucky now and so fortunate to be here.  I just love America.  I love our country. 


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