本周早些时候,一个名为“大西洋”的“新闻”网站发表了一篇完全虚假的文章,其中充斥着来自“匿名”消息来源的恶性谎言。这篇文章攻击了川普总统,也同时侮辱了受伤的退伍军人。 我们有机会与这些英雄中的一些人坐下来讨论这篇可怕的文章。 下面就是他们要说的 ……
杰弗里:作为美国 第十侦察兵和第十师,我在2011年在阿富汗的20岁生日后的第四天被炸,我看了昨天在“大西洋新闻”上出现的有关阵亡士兵的消息,像这样的事情,以及人们的评论 发表关于那篇文章的消息让我很不高兴。 就是有些人是如此容易受骗,不再关注是不是事实。 唐纳德·川普在这场大疫情刚开始时为我们的退伍军人做了太多的好事。我起先担心的是,在疫情当中如果我需要服药,还有我的义肢该怎么办?如果政府的这些项目被关闭,他们是否能够继续运作? 过去,由于政府的官僚系统,停止提供药物和修补工作。作为退伍军人我们乐于得知是否我们会得到照顾。
马克:我于2015年从海军陆战队退役。2006年11月,我在伊拉克的一辆车里时被土制炸弹炸伤。 当时有3名和我同在一辆车里的海军陆战队员被炸死。 我失去了膝盖以上的左腿,后来右股骨骨折,手臂骨折,左手骨折,六根肋骨骨折,打穿了两肺,并打断了我背部的六节脊椎骨。 我全身都被烧伤和割伤。 当时我是一个激进的民主党人,那时除此之外你什么都不必和我谈。 但从那时起,我学到了,也看到了在这个国家发生的一些事情。我想成为一个能做点什么的人。川普总统在其短短的任职期内为我们少数族裔和退伍军人所做的,比过去历届华盛顿的政府25年所做的还要多!为此,我坚定不移地支持川普总统。
The Atlantic should issue an apology to President Donald Trump and our wounded heroes
Earlier this week a “news” site called “the Atlantic” published a completely false article filled with vicious lies from “anonymous” sources. The article attacked President Trump and insulted wounded veterans. We had a chance to sit down with some of these heroes to discuss this horrible article. Here is what they had to say …
My name is Jeffrey Garilo. I was a specialist in the US army.
I’m retired marine First Sergeant Mark Wilson.
My name is Christian and I was Sergeant in the U.S. army.
As a U.S. Tenth Scout with the Tenth Division. I got blown up four days after my 20th birthday in Afghanistan in 2011. I read the post that came out yesterday on the Atlantic of the soldiers had passed away and something like that , and whatever the reviews people had posted about that article didn’t make me happy to see the people saying that. They are so gullible. And part of the article said some people were asked like what people were asked. No, it is not. It is not about if it’s the factual anymore. Donald J Trump has done so much for our veterans during this pandemic. When it was first starting up, my first worry was if i am having medications, is my prosthetic going to be fixed? Will they be able to work on it in case the government program got shut down. In the past we were denied medications and prosthetic work because of the dings in the government. We as the veteran would love to know that we are going to get taken care of.
I retired from the marine core in 2015. But in November 2006, I was injured in Iraq by an IED when I was in a vehicle. At the time there were three marines in the vehicle and were killed. I lost my left leg above the knee, ultimately, fractured my right femur, cut both my arms and broke my left hand, broke six ribs, punched both my lungs and fractured six vertebrate of my back. And I had burns and cuts all over my body. At that time I was a staunch Democrat. You can’t tell me anything outside that. But I learned and I watched since that time the things have been happening in this country. And I want to be the person to do something about it. The President has done more in his short time in office than what has been done in Washington in the last 25 years regarding minorities and veterans. For that I give my unwavering support to President Trump.
I served in Iraq and I got wounded by a grenade that took my leg immediately. My other leg was wounded badly and was amputate later on. Watching the media trying to make Donald Trump look like he hates veterans is a dumb thing to do! Our military and VA system were a mess. President Trump came in and fixed those systems. Every day our administration is helping our military men and women fight the battle abroad with support and help. I had to put my support in President Trump in the upcoming election. I am confident he can take our nation a step further in the new future!
My name is Jeffrey Garilo. I fully support Donald J Trump as the President of the United States.
I give my unwavering support to President Trump.
I support President Trump because he always stands for us!
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