• 2025-03-31 17:07


North American Conservative Review

A Letter to the Legislators of State of Louisiana Regarding to the Legislation Ban CCP from Purchasing the Estates in Louisiana


5 月 13, 2023

May 13, 2023    

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Wen-he Lu, a resident of the State of Indiana.  I am a US citizen loving this country a great deal and am originally form China.   I came to the US in 1980 and am now retired.

I am writing to urge you to vote YES for HB537, although I am not a resident of the State of Louisiana right now.   

On April 29th, 2023 I made a video in Chinese for the North America Conservative Review in defense of HB1355/SB264 of the State of Florida which was shown on the net the same day. The title of the speech was “ the Key to HB1355 is the affidavit”.  Fortunately the State of Florida passed HB1355 with high margin in both House and Senate and the governor of the Florida already signed it into the law.

Here in the great State of Louisiana, we are witnessing a process to debate on Louisiana HB 537, which is of a similar and of simpler nature of the Florida HB1355/SB264.

The Chinese communists and their followers in the US have formed a threat to the security of the US and HB537 is an important bill to help deter the penetration of the CCP into the great State of Louisiana and I urge you to vote YES to this bill.

I have summarized my thinking as follows, which was the essence of my speech on April 29 but in a different order.

In dealing with the Chinese communists , the Americans have a few disadvantages.  Here is a summary of my analysis.

  1.  Chinese communist members have had no hesitation to deny their membership when entering the USA and/or swearing in as US citizens.  It is difficult for Americans to verify CCP membership.  All CCP members, just about,  are liars and it is difficult to prove their lies.
  2. China has been run by the Chinese Communist party in the past 73 years.  Since Deng Xiaopin’s open door policy in 1980, 43 years have past, and 1.4 million Chinese have become US citizens. 
  3.  It is a fact that all CCP members have an upper hand on everything good in China, including the opportunities to come to the USA.  No one knows how many Chinese communists or people related to the Chinese communist party have come to the USA.  My guess is more than 50% among all Chinese from mainland, living and working here are related with Chinese communist one way or the other.  
  4. The Americans do not have the capacity to identify Asians in general, Japanese, Chinese in specific. 
  5. Americans during the WWII locked up American citizens of Japanese descent until after the war was over, in order to save lives of the soldiers which could have been lost due to the potential espionage activities by some Japanese Americans.   After the war the US mad an apology, late in time. During the war US was in a dilemma, but did correctly.  If a war between USA and Japan repeats now or in the future, which is the most unlikely event to be expected, same dilemma would appear here in the US and the USA would have no better solution than repeating what was done during the WWII.
  6. US had a hard time identifying friends from foe in Vietnam and Korea, but fortunately the American citizens of Vietnamese or Korean descent do not pose a threat to the US security since both on the whole are assimilated into the American culture and society.
  7. Chinese in the USA learn to use rule of law to protect themselves, rightly and most of them also use the US human rights to cover up the Chinese communist fifth column activities. 
  8. Chinese are not all assimilated into the American society as a matter of fact.  The democratic rules have given the Chinese communist Fifth Column weapons to fight against the US society. Persons like Xue Haipei tries to confuse this anticommunist bill with anti Chinese bill, and to distort the distinction between treatment of enemy regimes and those who serve this regime as “racial discrimination”, which is a violation of human rights, incites and organizes Chinese Americans to oppose this bill on these grounds.
  9. Americans have a 14th amendment that protects the rights of any person in 1868 and still have not come up with another amendment to protect the US from the potential harms of the fifth columns of a foreign enemy nation such as Japan during eh WWII and such as China today which is not exactly an enemy nation but by China’s choosing is almost an enemy nation.
  10. Situation today in the USA seems better than WWII in the sense that the US and China are not at war yet. But the situation is worse than WWII for US in the sense that the Chinese in US who wish ill of the USA are of far bigger number than those of Japanese during WWII. And they are actively abusing their liberty here for their own end.
  11. We see that the conflict between China and the United States was started by Xi Jinping, who thought the United States was so weak that he thought China was really on the rise in the east and US falling in the west. Now the U.S. has to meet the challenge by cleaning up the domestic secret agents first. This bill, HB537, is a subtle and brilliant step towards that direction.
  12. This bill does not address the Fifth Column issues directly but is moving towards the correct direction. This bill does allow the green card holders from foreign adversary nations to purchase immovable properties in the State of Louisiana, which is the same as that in Florida. This bill named six foreign adversary nations, including China. This bill is a security bill by nature.
  13. More about Xue Haipei. One of the organizers of the opposition to both Texas’ Florida’s HB1355, hiding behind the scenes, is Xue Haipei.  I would say that Xue is absolutely a Fifth Column of CCP. He has been lurking in the United States but has been speaking for the interests of the Communist Party for more than thirty years.  I do not know for sure that Xue is this time behind the opposition speeches to be made on the hearing next Monday. I would not be surprised if he was directly involved. 
  14. This man speaks very good English and specializes in making ideas behind the scenes, using others as front. In 1994, Xue Haipei gave a bad idea to Liu Chengyan, the president of Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars(IFCSS), who ended up in a lawsuit with the board of directors of IFCSS, and lost the case. Liu later lived a life in hiding, and now it has been 29 years, and he cannot be found. This is the lesson of listening to Xue Haipei. Xue’s position has always been pro-communist, and in the 1990s he called for granting MFN trade status to the mainland China.
  15. Haipei Xue infiltrated the Democratic Party’s President campaign in 2008 and was once the number one China expert on President Obama’s campaign until he was kicked out by the Obama team just before Obama’s inauguration. This shows how long, and deep and wide the Communist Party’s infiltration has been.
  16. Evidence shows that Haipei Xue was involved in organizing the April 19, 2023 demonstration in Tallahassee against Florida’s HB1355/SB264. Using demagogic, anti-racist slogans and under the banner of Chinese, he organized hundreds of Chinese to attend the hearing and those people took the stage and spoke against the bill. He had organized against a similar bill in Texas. He did coordination behind the scenes. Using an online platform to direct, he himself made no public appearances in either Texas or Florida, and this time in Louisiana.


Wen-he Lu



虽然我现在不是路易斯安那州的居民,但我写信是为了敦促您为 HB537 法案投赞成票。

2023年4月29日,我为《北美保守评论》制作了一段为佛罗里达州 HB1355/SB264 法案辩护的中文视频,并于当天在网上播放。演讲的题目是《HB1355的关键是具结书》。幸运的是,佛罗里达州在参众两院都以高票数通过了 HB1355/SB264 法案,佛罗里达州州长已经将其签署为法律。

在伟大的路易斯安那州,我们正在见证路易斯安那州 HB 537 法案的辩论过程,它与佛罗里达州的 HB1355/SB264 相似,性质更简单。

中国共产党及其在美国的追随者对美国的安全构成了威胁,HB537 是一项重要的法案,有助于阻止中共渗透到伟大的路易斯安那州,我敦促您对这项法案投赞成票。



  1. 中国共产党员在进入美国和/或宣誓成为美国公民时往往毫不犹豫地否认他们的成员身份。美国人很难核实中共党员身份。几乎所有的中共党员都是骗子,很难证明他们的谎言。
  2. 中国在过去的73年里一直由中国共产党统治。
  3. 事实上,所有中共党员在中国的一切好处上都占尽了优势,包括来美国的机会。没有人知道有多少中国共产党人或与中国共产党有关的人来到了美国。我猜,在这里生活和工作的所有中国大陆人中,有超过50%的人与中国共产党有这样或那样的关系。
  4. 美国人没有能力识别一般的亚洲人,特别是日本人和中国人。
  5. 二战期间,美国人一直把日本裔美国公民关起来,直到战争结束,目的是挽救一些日裔美国人可能因潜在的间谍活动而失去的美国士兵的生命。战后,美国做出了道歉,但为时已晚。在战争期间,美国处于两难境地,但做得正确。如果美日之间的战争现在或将来重演,这是最不可能发生的事情,同样的困境将出现在美国,美国没有比重复二战期间所做的更好的解决方案。
  6. 在越南和朝鲜,美国很难区分敌人和朋友,但幸运的是,越南或韩国血统的美国公民不会对美国的安全构成威胁,因为两者总体上都融入了美国的文化和社会。
  7. 在美国的中国人学会利用法治来保护自己,他们中的大多数人也利用美国的人权来掩盖中国共产党 “第五纵队” 的活动。
  8. 事实上,并非所有的中国人都被美国社会同化了。民主规则给了中国共产党 “第五纵队” 对抗美国社会的武器。像薛海培这样的人试图把这个反共法案和 “反华法案” 混为一谈,把对敌国政权和为此政权服务的人的区别对待歪曲为违反人权的 “种族歧视”,煽动并组织在美的华人以这些理由反对这个法案。
  9. 美国人在1868年有《第14修正案》,保护任何人的权利,但仍然没有提出另一条修正案来保护美国免受外国敌人国家的潜在伤害,比如二战期间的日本,比如今天的中国。中国不是一个真正的敌人,但根据中国的选择,它几乎就是一个敌对国家。
  10. 美国今天的情况看起来比第二次世界大战好,因为美国和中国还没有处于战争状态。对实际情况比二战更糟糕,因为在美国希望美国生病的中国人比二战期间的日本人要多得多。他们为了自己的目的而积极地滥用这里的自由。
  11. 现在,美国必须首先清除国内的秘密特工,以迎接挑战。这项名为 HB537 的法案是朝着这个方向迈出的微妙而辉煌的一步。
  12. 该法案虽然没有直接解决 ”第五纵队“ 问题,但正在朝着正确的方向发展。该法案确实允许外国敌对国的绿卡持有者在路易斯安那州购买不动产,这与佛罗里达州相同。该法案列出了包括中国在内的6个外国敌对国家。该法案本质上是一项担保法案。
  13. 更多关于薛海培的信息。藏在幕后的反对德克萨斯州 SB147 法案和佛罗里达州 HB1355 法案的组织者之一是薛海培。我想说薛海培绝对是中国共产党的 ”第五纵队“。他一直潜伏在美国,但三十多年来一直在为共产党的利益说话。我不确定薛海培这次是在下周一听证会上反对派发言的幕后指挥。如果他直接参与其中,我不会感到惊讶。
  14. 这个人英语说得很好,擅长在幕后出谋划策并唆使他人出面。1994年,薛海培给 ”全美中国学生学者自治联合会(学自联)“ 主席刘成岩出了一个馊主意,刘成岩最终与 ”学自联“ 董事会打官司告败。刘后来过着躲躲藏藏的生活,到现在已经29年了,还无法找到他。这就是听从薛海培的一个教训。薛海培的立场一直是亲共的,在上世纪90年代,他一直在呼吁给予中国大陆最惠国贸易待遇。
  15. 薛海培曾在2008年潜入民主党总统竞选团队,曾是奥巴马竞选团队的头号中国问题专家,但在奥巴马就职典礼前夕被奥巴马团队赶了出去。可见,中国共产党的渗透时间之长、程度之深、范围之广。
  16. 有证据表明,薛海培参与组织了2023年4月19日在塔拉哈西举行的反对佛罗里达州 HB1355/SB264 法案的示威活动。他用蛊惑人心的反种族主义口号,打着中国人的旗号,组织了数百名中国人参加听证会,这些人走上讲台,反对该法案。他曾组织起来反对德克萨斯州的一项类似法案。他在幕后做协调工作。他自己利用一个在线平台进行指导,在德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州都没有公开露面,这次是在路易斯安那州。




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