• 2025-03-31 17:11


North American Conservative Review

Reflections on the First Amendment


11 月 22, 2022

by: John Wu / Nov 21, 2022
Posted on: Nov. 22, 2022

I believe most of us agree that this country has been blessed over two centuries. American people have enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous life most of the time in last two hundred years. However, I feel many of us do not understand why so, failing to reflect on the reasons behind their freedom and prosperity. I firmly believe it is all due to the solid foundation our Founding Fathers built for this country, precisely, through the precious Constitution!

Recently I had opportunities to have conversations with many high school students. I started with such a question, “Do you know the First Amendment”? many of them could proudly reply, “freedom of speech”, some of them could even list out all the exhibited freedom rights: “freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and freedom of petitioning”.  However, no one replied precisely using the same order and language used in the original amendment. Similarly, all of them failed to answer my next two questions. My second question, “Do you know from whom the First Amendment was set to protect your freedom being intruded?” Only a few could answer correctly that the First Amendment was intended to protect from the government’s intrusion. When I further asked: “Why freedom of religion is the first right that needs to be protected?” Sadly, no one had any clue. However, ALL of them AGREED with me after they heard my reflections. Here is what I said plainly:

Our Founding Fathers must have foreseen that someday in the future, the government could evolve and become a gigantic monster, that the government may want to control everything (some of those in power might truly believe it is better for them to do so!). And the very first thing the government wants to control is the “exercising of personal religion”, Christian faith primarily in our Fathers’ time, as religion essentially means your faith, fundamental to what you believe (about God, meaning of your existence, i.e., your worldview). If you don’t have the freedom on choosing what you believe, then the freedom of speech is meaningless and revoked too in some sense! After all, speech is nothing but the expression of what you believe. If your freedom of faith is controlled by the government, you basically lost the freedom of speech too, do you agree? Another thing we need to pay close attention to is the original word our Founding Fathers used (how insightful they were!) used in the First Amendment, the freedom of religion is all about “free EXERCISING of personal religion”. The fact is, if you lose the right of freely exercising of your personal religion, your religion is actually locked in a cage. If you are prohibited to freely exercise your religion in public squares, your religion is dying, your freedom is fading away! To be specific, if only secularism literatures which are inherently atheism based, are being selectively taught in public schools, literatures associated with Christian faith are not prohibited and not accessible to entire generation of students, do you think the First Amendment is still being upheld in our country? To my knowledge, “separation of church and state” was meant to ensure that government does not interfere with religion, not to exclude religious literatures being taught in public schools, as I explained above, there is no neutral ground. If not teaching Biblical moral literatures, anti-God atheism will become dominant in our culture!  

My Dear Fellow Citizens, could the First Amendment be set up for this season, for our age of the United States of America?

Please contact me (John Wu) at jzw428@yahoo.com if you hope to have further dialog with me.

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