By: Smiling Big Stupid / 11-10-2022
Translation:Bro. Wu / 11-14-2022
Post on:11-15-2022
Facing the midterm election setback, some conservatives have started their overly introspective brainstorming. Some are lamenting how solid blue those blue states are. Some point their fingers at the blue population influx to red states. Some sigh for the high turnout of young leftist voters. Some are mulling over the impact of the debates on abortion. Some are complaining about Trump’s quips at rallies. And some are even mentioning Russia as a factor. Stop, please!
It’s no surprise that the Democrats are uttering nonsense all the time. But it really hurts seeing fellow conservatives being misled. Are the above long list of factors relevant? Maybe. But the biggest factors by far are mail-in ballots and tabulating machines. No ID-checking when voting in person — what a joke!
Congratulations to DeSantis on successfully turning Florida from a battleground state into a red state. Yet it’d be naive and unwise to chant him as the savior and the hope for 2024. Why did Florida see the red waves while the other states should also but didn’t? It’s because Florida has fixed the flawed voting system but the other states haven’t! Without election integrity, the Republicans will forever be oppressed. Without election integrity, Trump can’t win in 2024. Neither can DeSantis or anyone else.
It’s no use dreaming of a saint fixing the country’s problems overnight. Error-correcting capacities do not reside with the federal government, do not belong to the President, but are in the hands of the states and the local municipalities. We launch our efforts in our counties and states by urging the county officials and state congress to enact laws for election integrity. This is a long and arduous journey. The moment you begin, you see light of hope. In the past two years, countless patriots did exactly that — working it out instead of waiting for miracles. As long as state powers don’t vanish, our country stands.
If there had been ten righteous people in Sodom, God would have spared the city from sulfur and fire. I keep questioning myself: can I count as one?

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