• 2025-03-31 17:14


North American Conservative Review

教育基督化的呼吁 A Serious Call for Christian Education(双语 bilingual)


10 月 28, 2022

作者:《福音派传道人联盟》 / 2022.10.27

Dear Parents and pastors, for the sake of your children in your home and the congregation in your church, please take a few minutes to listen carefully to these words below. These words regard your children and your church congregation.

The Lord Jesus issued a great mission before ascending to heaven. He told the disciples:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

In the New Testament, Apostle Paul sent letters to Timothy and Titus, urging them to faithfully teach the word of God and to pass on the responsibility of teaching truth to the next generation.

In the Old Testament, God commanded his people, “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates and on your gates.”

God’s people need to teach the Word of God with their mouths and model it with their lives. Their families and public places should be filled with the word of God.

In modern days, we see it as a top priority for churches and Christian families to instill Christian education into the next generation. This is God’s command to us. It is also what we urgently need now.

In this post-Christian era, the mainstream education system is flooded with secular ideas hostile to biblical truths. The model of utilitarian education pulls children from their families. It gathers them together to accept ideological indoctrination. This education model is to alienate the family relationship. It is to create a huge generation gap between two generations.

It creates a great barrier to the passing of Christian faith. On one hand, Pragmatism, Psychology and other thoughts dominate today’s culture. The mainstream educational concept in today’s society is the backdrop of postmodernism. The mainstream education has cultivated children’s rebellion against authority, advocating individualism and relativism. Evolution, Utopianism, Humanism, and relativism dominate the teaching in classrooms. The books students read are full of feminism, homosexual culture, multiculturalism and other propagandas . So, in the United States, we lose more and more young Christians generation by generation.

There are many reasons why Christians are failing in passing down our faith. But the fall of Christian values in the education front is a major factor. Within church ministries, Christians try to cultivate a child’s faith by telling them one or two biblical stories or learning a Bible passage in Sunday worship and Sunday school. However, it turns out that even those children who memorize many biblical stories, When they come of age, most of them will leave their church and faith.

Because just knowing a few biblical stories and some random bible verses are not enough to counter this wave of systematic secularism education. This is not because God’s word is powerless but because this spiritual battle permeates the church, families, schools, society and other fields. Merely two hours of teaching on Sundays is not enough to win the battle. Additionally, The bible studies for adult Christians in churches are often out of touch with the issues of our time and do not fully inform the congregation of the crisis of faith in our time. So, Christian parents do not fully comprehend the harm of secular education to children’s minds.

Nor are the Christian parents vigilant. It is high time that we recognize the educational crisis today. Restore Christian education in churches and families. In the church, Christians need to wake up.

Realize that education is essentially a spiritual war. We must learn to discern the strategy and deceptive tricks of the enemy in terms of education for the next generation. We should adopt a family-centered education model to stop the society from breaking down families, and to make the family relationship stronger.

Let the faith pass on in the family in terms of education delivery, whether it’s homeschooling, Christian schools or church Sunday schools.

Let’s get rid of humanism and pragmatism in education.  Restore our respect for the authority of truth in the educational curriculum. Let us not only be satisfied with adding one or two Bible courses to many subjects but to fill all subjects with biblical principles.

This is a spiritual battle with a great mission which calls for a long march. May we start with the renewal of our minds and make Christian education as a primary goal In the church and the family. Seek ways to come back to God.



“教训” 一词就是教导的意思。在新约圣经的教牧书信中,保罗也叮嘱提摩太和提多,忠心教导上帝的话语,并将教导真理的责任传递给下一代人。



当今时代,依据圣经真理对基督徒和基督徒的下一代进行基督化的教育,是教会和基督徒家庭的当务之急。 这是上帝对我们的命令,也是我们在这个时代迫切的需要。

在这个 “后基督教” 时代,主流的教育系统被敌对圣经真理的世俗思潮所充斥。公立教育的模式将同一代的孩子从家庭里抽离出来,集中在一起接受统一的思想灌输。这种做法必然疏离了家庭关系,也势必造成两代人之间巨大的代沟,为基督徒的信仰传承造成巨大障碍。









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