• 2025-03-31 12:37


North American Conservative Review



2 月 20, 2022

编译:约瑟 / 2022.02.20










因此,作为基督教牧师,我们以最强烈的措辞谴责你史无前例地调用1988年《紧急权力法》,目的是把不负责任的国家权力用于和平的公民 —— “男人们女人们和孩子们” —— 他们已经被剥夺基本自由两年了,在许多情况下,由于你们政府的强制命令,他们已经失去了一切。现在并不存在国家紧急状态,援引紧急状态来镇压和平的政治异议是一种极权主义镇压行为,显示了软弱而非强大。这些残暴的行为将政府和人民置于上帝的审判之下,我们深为关切的是,你们不了解上帝对一个叛逆和无法无天的国家的愤怒的重要性。





Rev. Dr. Joseph Boot
Rev. Dr. Michael Thiessen
Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock
Rev. Jacob Reaume
Rev. Nate Wright 


Rev. Benjamin Hicks
Rev. Riley Toews 
Rev. Chris Cousine 
Rev. Joshua Enns
Rev. Alex Kloosterman
Rev. Dan Anderson 
Rev. Scott Jacobsen 
Rev. Steve Bainbridge 
Rev. Trevor Stephens 
Rev. Will Schuurman 
Rev. Marty Elson 
Rev. Greg Armstrong 
Rev. Steve Richardson 
Rev. Marcello Fracassi 
Rev. Mark Reimer 
Rev. Rene Pomerleau
Rev. Randy Frey 
Rev. Tony Costa
Rev. Charles Van Hoffen
Rev. Eric Honsberger 
Rev. Tyler Ellis 
Rev. Tim Stephens 
Rev. Andrew DeBartolo
Rev. Tim Tysoe

An Open Letter to Justin Trudeau and the Federal Government

TO: the Prime Minister and Federal Government,

We are writing to you as representative pastors of Christian congregations from across the nation and as law-abiding citizens who respect the God-defined role of civil government and uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the highest law of our land, which recognizes the supremacy of God over all human legislation.  

For the past two years, we have sought to respectfully and peaceably make known to all levels of government our profound concern about the indefinite suspension of civil liberties, coercive mandates and perpetual state interference in the life, freedom and worship of the church – freedoms guaranteed by both our inherited Common Law tradition and Charter. We have also prayed earnestly for our governing authorities, met with them, written letters and petitions, peacefully gathered for protest with other concerned citizens and in some cases filed lawsuits. We have used every lawful means at our disposal to be heard and taken seriously. Yet at every turn, we have been largely ignored, brushed aside, insulted and even told we in no way represent Canadians.

In recent weeks, the hugely popular truckers convoy containing many Christians (including pastors), has captured the imagination not only of this nation but other nations around the world, laying bare that what we have expressed and argued for months is indeed representative of the concerns of millions of ordinary Canadians who value peace, personal responsibility and liberty. The Ottawa protest has presented your government with a wonderful opportunity to meet with and speak to ordinary Canadians lawfully and peaceably requiring the restoration of their constitutional rights. However, in response to their singing, praying, dancing, candy floss, bouncy castles, speeches about the constitution and outpourings of patriotic love for the country, your government has not only refused to meet with these citizens to hear their concerns, you have insulted, denigrated and lied about them, further dividing a hurting and broken nation.

As ambassadors of Christ, whilst we respect your office as a public servant and honour the limited role of civil authority as a ministry of public justice, we do not hesitate to fulfill our responsibility as servants of the living God by unapologetically reminding you that Jesus Christ is Lord and King and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He sets up kings and pulls down the mighty from their thrones and none can stay his hand. In the words of the same scriptures engraved on the Peace Tower in Ottawa and written into our very national Coat of Arms:

Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. (Ps. 2: 10-12)

Mr. Trudeau, with great respect, you are neither the king nor the ruler of Canada. Both you and your colleagues are public servants sent for a short time to Parliament at our behest as citizens to govern under God in terms of the Canadian Charter and to seek a harmony of public legal interest. You do not grant people rights and responsibilities that are theirs as God’s image-bearers and a free people. Since you do not grant them, you have no authority to remove them. 

​Your government does not grant people the right to their bodily integrity, the right to work or earn a living, the right to decide for their children or to be with their families or dying loved ones, the right to gather to worship and obey God, the right to travel in their own land or enter and leave. Civil government exists to protect these pre-political and fundamental freedoms, not bestow and remove them as if it can function in the place of God. 

As such, we as Christian pastors condemn in the strongest possible terms your unprecedented invoking of the Emergency Powers Act (1988) with the intent of bringing unaccountable state power to bear on peaceful citizens – “men women and children” – who have been stripped of their fundamental freedoms for two years and who have in many cases lost everything as a result of your government’s mandates. There is no national emergency and to invoke one to crush peaceful political dissent is a totalitarian act of repression displaying weakness not strength. These tyrannical actions are exposing this government and people to the judgment of God, and we are deeply concerned that you do not appreciate the significance of God’s wrath upon a rebellious and lawless nation.

We implore you to step back from the brink, restore the constitutional freedoms of the people, respect the God-given rights of our citizenry and above all to humble yourself and take a knee before Christ the King lest you perish in the way. We urge you to repent of the sins of pride, rebellion against God, and bearing false witness. You have not displayed a brotherly care and love for these honest hard-working people who have tried to peacefully bring their very serious concerns to your attention.

Our hope and prayer for you and your government is that you will lift the emergency measures, end these lawless mandates, and enact justice for a people who elected you to that purpose.

​For He shall have dominion from sea to sea (Ps. 72:8). 

原文链接:https://www.libertycoalitioncanada.com/an-open-letter-to-justin-trudeau (请用此链接在公开信上签名)


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  1. 公开信有什么用吗,权贵们不可能鸟他们的,想要夺回国家,迟早要武装反抗的,当然,也要做好牺牲的准备了。

    1. 公开信的作用就跟我们网站发文章一样,是立场的宣示,是思想的开启,是抗争的号角。如果没有这些舆论和宣示,没有立场思想的宣告和启迪,即使推翻了独裁政权又怎样?

  2. 好,的确一个国家的思想、文化很重要,美帝从前的联邦共和制之所以能够稳定(真的不想提“皿煮”两个字了,对这两个字都产生厌恶了。),的确跟以基督新教为源头的保守主义文化有关,当前的美帝,保守主义已经不占据主流文化,所以美帝的联邦共和制就崩毁了。
